International Food Services
We are certified by International Food Services, a globally recognized guarantee of quality and food safety. This certification attests to our commitment to respecting the strictest standards in terms of hygiene, traceability and manufacturing processes. It guarantees our consumers a product of excellence, developed according to rigorous international standards, from the selection of ingredients to bottling.
Produced in Île-de-France
Our mustard proudly displays the "Produit en Île-de-France" label, represented by the official logo of the region. This certification highlights our local roots and our contribution to the Ile-de-France economy. It demonstrates our commitment to the terroir, guaranteeing consumers an authentic product, produced in the heart of Île-de-France, in accordance with regional traditions and craftmanship.
Made in Paris Region
Our mustard proudly bears the "Made in Paris Region" label, a mark of distinction that celebrates our roots in the Paris region. This certification attests that our product is designed and manufactured in the heart of the Paris region, thus benefiting from local craftmanship and contributing to the regional economy. It guarantees consumers the authenticity of a resolutely Parisian product, combining tradition and innovation in each jar of mustard.
Quality Craftsmen
We are recognized as a "Quality Craftmen/Producer" by the prestigious Culinary College of France. This distinction highlights our commitment to artisanal excellence and our passion for authentic taste. It testifies to our unique craftmanship, the exceptional quality of our ingredients and our contribution to the preservation of French culinary heritage. Each jar of our mustard thus embodies the art of French artisanal gastronomy.